A wonderful post-- and the fur dinnerware is fantastic! I was in the doctor's office today and it turns out that the doctor is quite a gifted nature photographer-- his pictures were cycling on the computer monitor. Looking at these amazing birds, fish, seals, etc. I was surprised by joy in the most unlikely of places. Also had to marvel at the fact that these strange creatures, who engage in the most daredevil activities and awkward contortions, NEVER need to go to the doctor.
This gave me an ah ha moment. The unexplained energy I have when harvesting from our garden or preparing fresh fruits and vegetables. The bold colors of the foods and joy.
Colors bring me joy, too. And contrasts in textiles for some strange reason. I especially love things like a linen skirt with a super frayed edge, or a leather coat with a fuzzy collar! And I’m a huge Shepherd Fairey fan too ❤️
A wonderful post-- and the fur dinnerware is fantastic! I was in the doctor's office today and it turns out that the doctor is quite a gifted nature photographer-- his pictures were cycling on the computer monitor. Looking at these amazing birds, fish, seals, etc. I was surprised by joy in the most unlikely of places. Also had to marvel at the fact that these strange creatures, who engage in the most daredevil activities and awkward contortions, NEVER need to go to the doctor.
This gave me an ah ha moment. The unexplained energy I have when harvesting from our garden or preparing fresh fruits and vegetables. The bold colors of the foods and joy.
Love that! And a broad veggie color palate is the best kind for our bodies too.
Colors bring me joy, too. And contrasts in textiles for some strange reason. I especially love things like a linen skirt with a super frayed edge, or a leather coat with a fuzzy collar! And I’m a huge Shepherd Fairey fan too ❤️
Reasons why we are friends 😀