One of Italy's Biggest Holidays is a Celebration of Summer - Ferragosto 🌞⛱️🎡🍨
Plus, I'm looking for YOUR feedback.

This last Tuesday, August 15th, Italians celebrated Ferragosto—the big, traditional Italian summer holiday. The term Ferragosto comes from the Latin term Feriae Augusti, which refers to holidays celebrated during the month of August in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus.
Even though Ferragosto began as a religious Catholic celebration of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, it is now mostly considered a secular holiday in Italy. On the 15th, (and often the weeks around it), cities become deserted as most Italians retreat to coastal or mountain destinations to spend time with family and friends. Public events and celebrations occur in towns across the country on the evenings leading up to Ferragosto.
It’s not the ideal time to visit Italy if you’ve not been there before. Not only is it blistering hot, but as millions of Italians embark on summer vacations, nearly all shops, restaurants, and other businesses close down for Ferragosto. Public transportation schedules are also reduced, creating massive traffic jams on roads leading out of major cities. The beaches, lakes, and hiking trails are packed with locals and tourists enjoying outdoor activities. Fireworks displays often light up the skies on the evenings before and of Ferragosto.
Ferragosto is more than just a holiday; it is a cultural phenomenon that touches every aspect of Italian life. It represents a time when the whole country slows down, takes a collective breath, and indulges in the joy of the summer season. It’s a time for celebration, relaxation, and spending time with loved ones.
Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? ⛱️
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Stay tuned for another book giveaway next week. 📚 Those of you who loved Feast of Sorrow will really love this one!
What’s Bringing Me Joy This Week:
This little fun, addictive, web-based Hexagon game.
Lovecraft’s recipe for Boston Baked Beans.
Francine Segan knows how to live the good life and I’m on board for this one. Summer Pannettone!!
Thanks for Joining Me
If you love food and love Italy, and haven’t read THE CHEF’S SECRET or FEAST OF SORROW, click the links to learn where to buy your copy! 🍒🍗🍷
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