A Summer Compendium of Interestingness
i.e. things that make me go "ooo!" or "ahh!" or "huh?"

As this post appears in your inbox, or on the Web, I’ll be in San Antonio at the Historical Novel Society conference. My husband, Joe, will be holding down the fort at home, giving little Merlin all the cuddles I can’t give him myself.
I’m excited to connect with author friends that I’ve only met a handful of times or only met online. I’m also thrilled to meet new readers at the book event open to the public on Saturday.
But it also means I’m a little swamped this week prepping for that, working a short week in the day job, and also celebrating another year around the sun. So this week’s newsletter will be a fun link-love roundup of things that have been catching my fancy.
This week, Italians celebrated Republic Day, the anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic, after a referendum held on June 2, 1946, in which Italians chose between monarchy and republic following WWII. Part of the celebrations included this incredible drop by firefighters (i vigili del fuoco) of the Italian flag across the Colosseum. It’s really mesmerizing to watch.
This video of how the ancient Romans used to build bridges over rivers.
The Pantheon is my favorite building in the world. Here is Piranesi’s 1751 Veduta della Piazza della Rotonda. You can see the bell towers (often called the “ass’s ears”), which were added in the early 17th century and removed in 1888.
And this Jakob Alt painting from 1836 of the Pantheon which shows buildings on the right side, which weren’t in the previous painting.
Compared to one of the many photos I’ve taken, this one from 2015. No ass ears.
Many of you may remember that I’m working on a novel that has Dalí in it. He was both a charismatic and controversial figure, making him fascinating to research and write about. Stay tuned for more on that book!
John Lennon and Salvador Dalí lunched together - Oh, to be a fly on the wall of that!
Dalí painting The Face of War, 1940. You’ll notice that he doesn’t have his signature mustache at this point, nor did he in 1949, which is the time my novel is set.
And here he is after it was complete. He was very suave back in the day.
Fun (and Funny)
This adorable whippet who is enjoying his best life (to the best theme song…warning some vulgarity ahead).
This hilarious parody of an 80s educational program, describing a “computer for women.”
John Oliver shares this clip of a BBC reporter inadvertently getting really high on camera. No way will you be able to contain your laughter.
If you are a movie freak, you might be good at this game.
Globle, a wordle-like game for countries
Chéri Hérouard, La Revanche D'Eve (Eve’s Revenge), from “La Vie Parisienne”, 1927
John Singer Sargent ~Staircase in Capri, 1878
Thanks for Joining Me
If you love food and love Italy, and haven’t read THE CHEF’S SECRET or FEAST OF SORROW, click the links to learn where to buy your copy! 🍒🍗🍷
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OMG thank you for the laffs. The computer for women (“I myself don’t wear makeup”)!!
That flag drop is beautiful!
And I also laughed at that whippet video last week 🤣